Monday, April 11, 2016

How to get Avon Costumers

How to get Avon Costumers

  • Order Brochures !!!! If possible order more then 10 .The reason behind this is with 10 Brochures while it is a good start you give out 9 and keep 1 for yourself .Unless you go back to collect the ones you have given out to get them into the hands of more people 10 really is not enough
  • Order each campaign.We submit our orders every 2 weeks ,our brochures is our store ,if we skip our store is closed
  • Collect phone numbers and emails from the people you handed the brochures to so you can follow up ,very important .Even if they tell you I will call you to place my order chances are they know how it is life gets in the way ,family ,kids etc 
  • leave your books out at places -grocery store,laundry mats ,doctor etc ....but do not sit at home now and wait for the phone to ring 
  • ask your friends ,family and co workers for referrals
  • ask family and friends to take your books to there workplace ,leave them in the break room or ask to share your link to your estore on their social media 
  • again don't wait for the phone to ring,do not give up be consistent 
  • use The Power of 3 ,the power of 3 -Talk to 3 people a day -7 days a week = 21 potential costumers
  • again Follow up -Text-email-Facebook 
  • use your products 
  • order demos to discount prices
  • have samples -no money to purchase them ? make your own with the products you have 
  • offer specials
  • offer both ways to shop with you -face to face or online
  • be confident-believe in yourself and in your business 

become an Avon Representative 

you ready to get started with Avon ?

Avon Brochure online 

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